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class GeoExt.VectorLegend(config)
Create a vector legend.

Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.Container.

Boolean Show a border around the legend panel. Default is false.
Boolean Set cursor style to “pointer” for symbolizers. Register for the symbolclick event to handle clicks. Note that click events are fired regardless of this value. If false, no cursor style will be set. Default is false.
Boolean Set cursor style to “pointer” for rule titles. Register for the titleclick event to handle clicks. Note that click events are fired regardless of this value. If false, no cursor style will be set. Default is false.
Boolean Allow drag and drop of rules. Default is false.
String Optional css class to use for the layer title labels.
OpenLayers.Layer.Vector The layer that this legend will be based on. One of layer, rules, or layerRecord must be specified in the config.
layerRecord The record containing a vector layer that this legend will be based on. One of layerRecord, layer, or rules must be specified in the config.
String Optional title to be displayed instead of the layer title. If this is set, the value of showTitle will be ignored (assumed to be true).
List of rules. One of rules, layer, or layerRecord must be specified in the config. The symbolType property must also be provided if only rules are given in the config.
Boolean Set to true if a rule should be selected by clicking on the symbol or title. Selection will trigger the ruleselected event, and a click on a selected rule will unselect it and trigger the ruleunselected event. Default is false.
Boolean Whether or not to show the title of a layer. This can be overridden on the LayerStore record using the hideTitle property.
String The symbol type for legend swatches. Must be one of "Point", "Line", or "Polygon". If not provided, the layer or layerRecord config property must be specified, and the geometry type of the first feature found on the layer will be used. If a rule does not have a symbolizer for symbolType, we look at the symbolizers for the rule, and see if it has a "Point", "Line" or "Polygon" symbolizer, which we use for rendering a swatch of the respective geometry type.
String The prefix to use as a title for rules with no title or name. Default is "Untitled ". Prefix will be appended with a number that corresponds to the index of the rule (1 for first rule).

Public Methods

Public methods in addition to those listed for Ext.Container.

Parameter:scaleNumber The scale denominator.

Set the current scale denominator. This will hide entries for any rules that don’t apply at the current scale.

Update rule titles and symbolizers.


Events in addition to those listed for Ext.Container.


Fires when a rule entry is clicked (fired with symbolizer or title click).

Listener arguments:

  • comp - GeoExt.VectorLegend` This component.
  • rule - OpenLayers.Rule The rule that was clicked.

Fires when a rule is moved.

Listener arguments:

  • comp - GeoExt.VectorLegend` This component.
  • rule - OpenLayers.Rule The rule that was moved.

Fires when a rule is clicked and selectOnClick is set to true.

Listener arguments:

  • comp - GeoExt.VectorLegend` This component.
  • rule - OpenLayers.Rule The rule that was selected.

Fires when the selected rule is clicked and selectOnClick is set to true, or when a rule is unselected by selecting a different one.

Listener arguments:

  • comp - GeoExt.VectorLegend` This component.
  • rule - OpenLayers.Rule The rule that was unselected.

Fires when a rule symbolizer is clicked.

Listener arguments:

  • comp - GeoExt.VectorLegend` This component.
  • rule - OpenLayers.Rule The rule whose symbol was clicked.

Fires when a rule title is clicked.

Listener arguments:

  • comp - GeoExt.VectorLegend` This component.
  • rule - OpenLayers.Rule The rule whose title was clicked.