A plugin to create tree node UIs with radio buttons. Can be plugged into any Ext.tree.TreePanel and will be applied to nodes that are extended with the GeoExt.Tree.TreeNodeUIEventMixin, in particular GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI nodes.
A tree with a GeoExt.plugins.TreeNodeRadioButton fires the additional radiochange event when a node’s radio button is clicked.
Only if a node is configured radioGroup attribute, it will be rendered with a radio button next to its icon. The radioGroup works like a HTML checkbox with its name attribute, and radioGroup is a string that identifies the options group.
Sample code to create a tree with a node that has a radio button:
var UIClass = Ext.extend(
var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
plugins: [
new GeoExt.plugins.TreeNodeRadioButton({
listeners: {
"radiochange": function(node) {
alert(node.text + "'s radio button was clicked.");
root: {
nodeType: "node",
uiProvider: UIClass,
text: "My Node",
radioGroup: "myGroupId"
Fires when a radio button is clicked.
Listener arguments: