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Provides an interface to a Mapfish or GeoServer print module. For printing, one or more instances of are also required to tell the PrintProvider about the scale and extent (and optionally rotation) of the page(s) we want to print.

Example Use

Minimal code to print as much of the current map extent as possible as soon as the print service capabilities are loaded, using the first layout reported by the print service:

var mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
    renderTo: "mappanel",
    layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("wms", "/geoserver/wms",
        {layers: "topp:tasmania_state_boundaries"})],
    center: [146.56, -41.56],
    zoom: 7
var printProvider = new{
    url: "/geoserver/pdf",
    listeners: {
        "loadcapabilities": function() {
            var printPage = new{
                printProvider: printProvider
  , true);
            printProvider.print(mapPanel, printPage);

Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.

Boolean If set to true, the capabilities will be loaded upon instance creation, and loadCapabilities does not need to be called manually. Setting this when capabilities and no url is provided has no effect. Default is false.
Object Key-value pairs of base params to be add to every request to the service. Optional.
Object Capabilities of the print service. Only required if url is not provided. This is the object returned by the info.json endpoint of the print service, and is usually obtained by including a script tag pointing to http://path/to/printservice/info.json?var=myvar in the head of the html document, making the capabilities accessible as window.myvar. This property should be used when no local print service or proxy is available, or when you do not listen for the loadcapabilities events before creating components that require the PrintProvider’s capabilities to be available.
Object Key-value pairs of custom data to be sent to the print service. Optional. This is e.g. useful for complex layout definitions on the server side that require additional parameters.
String Either POST or GET (case-sensitive). Method to use when sending print requests to the servlet. If the print service is at the same origin as the application (or accessible via proxy), then POST is recommended. Use GET when accessing a remote print service with no proxy available, but expect issues with character encoding and URLs exceeding the maximum length. Default is POST.
String Base url of the print service. Only required if capabilities is not provided. This is usually something like http://path/to/mapfish/print for Mapfish, and http://path/to/geoserver/pdf for GeoServer with the printing extension installed. This property requires that the print service is at the same origin as the application (or accessible via proxy).

Public Properties

Public properties in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.

Object Key-value pairs of custom data to be sent to the print service. Optional. This is e.g. useful for complex layout definitions on the server side that require additional parameters.
PrintProvider.dpi the record for the currently used resolution. Read-only, use setDpi to set the value.
PrintProvider.dpis read-only. A store representing the dpis available.

Fields of records in this store:

  • name - String the name of the dpi
  • value - Float the dots per inch
PrintProvider.layout the record of the currently used layout. Read-only, use setLayout to set the value.
PrintProvider.layouts read-only. A store representing the layouts available.

Fields of records in this store:

  • name - String the name of the layout
  • size - Object width and height of the map in points
  • rotation - Boolean indicates if rotation is supported
PrintProvider.scales read-only. A store representing the scales available.

Fields of records in this store:

  • name - String the name of the scale
  • value - Float the scale denominator

Public Methods

Public methods in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.

Loads the capabilities from the print service. If this instance is configured with either capabilities or a url and autoLoad set to true, then this method does not need to be called from the application.

Sends the print command to the print service and opens a new window with the resulting PDF.

Valid properties for the options argument:

  • legend - GeoExt.LegendPanel If provided, the legend will be added to the print document. For the printed result to look like the LegendPanel, the following !legends block should be included in the items of your page layout in the print module’s configuration file:

    - !legends
        maxIconWidth: 0
        maxIconHeight: 0
        classIndentation: 0
        layerSpace: 5
        layerFontSize: 10
  • overview - OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap If provided, the layers for the overview map in the printout will be taken from the OverviewMap control. If not provided, the print service will use the main map’s layers for the overview map. Applies only for layouts configured to print an overview map.

PrintProvider.setDpi() the dpi record.

Sets the dpi for this printProvider.

PrintProvider.setLayout() the record of the layout.

Sets the layout for this printProvider.


Events in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.


Triggered before a layer is encoded. This can be used to exclude layers from the printing, by having the listener return false.

Listener arguments:

  • printProvider - this PrintProvider
  • layer - OpenLayers.Layer the layer which is about to be encoded.

Triggered when the print method is called.

Listener arguments:


Triggered when the dpi value is changed.

Listener arguments:


Triggered when a layer is encoded. This can be used to modify the encoded low-level layer object that will be sent to the print service.

Listener arguments:

  • printProvider - this PrintProvider
  • layer - OpenLayers.Layer the layer which is about to be encoded.
  • encodedLayer - Object the encoded layer that will be sent to the print service.

Triggered when the layout is changed.

Listener arguments:


Triggered when the capabilities have finished loading. This event will only fire when capabilities is not configured.

Listener arguments:


Triggered when the print document is opened.

Listener arguments:


Triggered when using the POST method, when the print backend returns an exception.

Listener arguments: